Which of the following statements accurately describes information that is presented on the map


A. France’s colonies were mainly in the north and west Africa is the correct answer.


By process of elimination, you can falsify the other examples with the given image and come up with the conclusion of B. and C. being wrong.

Which countries have emerged as independent states in the decades since decolonization?


Which of the following accurately describes how Africa’s difficult disease environment affected European imperialism?


Which of the following countries are landlocked?


Which of the following countries does NOT share a border with the Democratic Republic of Congo?


Which of the following does NOT constitute a potential source of information for studies in African history?


Which of the following geographical features played a role in thwarting European intrusion into the African continent for many centuries?


Which of the following socio-political developments did NOT play a role in fostering African studies in the 1950s and 1960s?


Which of the following statements most accurately describes Africa’s contemporary borders?


Why was the abolition of the slave trade and slavery by several European countries in the 19th century significant for African history?


Which of the following statements best describes the status of African history as a respected academic discipline?


What role did scientific racism play in the colonization of Africa?


Which of the following accurately describes the relationship between colonial governments and Christian missionaries in Africa?


Which of the following circumstances did NOT play any role in the decision-making processes of African leaders with respect to their responses to the colonization of Africa?


Which of the following is NOT a rationale to explain Europe’s colonization of Africa?


Which of the following most accurately reflects the role of technological advances in the colonial conquest of Africa?


Which of the following principles was NOT articulated in the treaty produced by the Berlin Conference of 1885?


Which of the following statements best reflects the economic motivations for Europe’s colonization of Africa?


Which of the following statements most accurately describes the nature of African responses to the colonization of Africa?


Which of the following was NOT a feature of Europe’s “civilizing mission” in Africa?


Which of the following European states were the primary colonizers of Africa?


Which battle secured the independence of Ethiopia in 1898?


Which of the following best describes the goal of Cecil Rhodes and other British imperialists in acquiring new African colonies?


Which of the following colonial states was NOT a part of the Portuguese Empire?


Which of the following East African countries were colonized by France?


Which of the following explanations for the relative weakness of the Portuguese Empire during the Scramble for Africa is false?


Which of the following statements best describes the response of Muslim leaders to French rule in West Africa?


Which statement best describes the methods used to extract resources employed by King Leopold’s regime in the Congo Free State?


Which statement best describes the objective of France’s assimilation policy in its African colonies?


Which statement best describes the process of German colonization in East Africa?


Which statement does NOT accurately describe the process of British colonization in West and East Africa?


Which of the following states remained politically independent during the colonial period in Africa?


How did the system of governance used in British colonies affect ethnic divisions in Africa?


What did the French government require from Africans seeking citizenship rights and civil status?


What did the rebellions led by John Chilembwe in Nyasaland, the Chimurenga revolts in Rhodesia, and the Aba Women’s Revolt have in common?


Which of the following does NOT represent a social consequence of colonialism?


Which of the following measures were successful policy tools for European colonial administrations to meet their economic goals?


Which of the following statements best describes the origins of the Madhist movement in Sudan?


Which of the following statements is correct regarding the writings “The White Man’s Burden” and The Black Man’s Burden?


Which of the following statements most accurately describes the development of African economies during colonialism?


Which of the following statements most accurately reflects the development of infrastructure during colonialism in Africa?


Which term did Sir Frederick Lugard use to describe Great Britain’s colonial policy in Africa?


Which type of colonial rule placed a strong emphasis on the maintenance of law and order?


What did the Maji-Maji Uprising and the Herero/Nama War have in common?


Choose the best answer to fill in the blank of the following sentence: The French government’s war against the independence movement in ____________ shaped France's approach to the question of decolonization in Africa.


What did France propose to its overseas colonies in the 1958 constitutional referendum?


What political idea did Marcus Garvey employ to call for the liberation of African colonies?


Which of the following statements best describes the military involvement of Africans in the Second World War?


Which of the following statements most accurately reflects the nature of Pan-Africanism?


Which of the following techniques was NOT employed by African workers seeking to challenge colonial economic policies?


Which statement about the Treaty of Versailles best describes the position of Africans at the negotiation table?


Which statement accurately describes an effect of the end of the wars in Africa?


Which statement best characterizes the political role of trade unions in post-1945 colonial Africa?


Which statement best describes the gendered division of labor that emerged in the 1920s and 1930s in colonized African societies?


Which statement best describes the political strategy employed by trade union members and political activists in France’s West African empire after the Second World War?


Which statement best describes the strategy employed by W.E.B. Du Bois and the Pan-African Congress at the Treaty of Versailles negotiations?


Which statement best describes the treatment of African soldiers and workers at the end of World War I?


During the First and Second World Wars, who were the Tirailleurs Senegalais?


Which of the following statements best describes relations between European settlers and the indigenous peoples of South Africa before 1700?


Which of the following statements best describes the purpose of passbooks in apartheid South Africa?


Which of the following statements does NOT accurately describe a response of black South Africans to discrimination before 1910?


Which of the following statements does NOT express a major grievance of the Afrikaners who left the Cape of Good Hope after 1836?


Which statement best describes the history of the African National Congress (ANC) before 1970?


Which statement best describes the impact of trade unionism on race relations in South Africa during the apartheid period?


Which statement best describes the meaning of the term “mfecane?”


Which statement best describes the objective of the 1913 Native Land Act?


Which statement best describes the political effect of mineral discoveries on South Africa during the nineteenth century?


Which statement best describes the political settlement reached between Great Britain and the Afrikaner states in South Africa?


Which statement best describes the purpose of native land reserves in apartheid South Africa?


Which statement best describes the role of Shaka Zulu in South African politics?


Which statement most accurately describes the outcome of the Anglo-Boer War (South African War)?


Which European state first established a colony in South Africa?


How did the two superpowers of the Cold War, the USSR and U.S., contribute to the post-independence conflict in Angola?


What historical concept provided the ideological basis for post-independence experiments in “African Socialism?”


What political-economic theory was adopted by many “Third World” leaders to challenge the ideas of Modernization theory during the 1960s and 1970s?


What role did South Africa play during and after the Angolan war for independence against Portugal?


Which of the following statements about the causes of the assassination of Congolese Prime Minister Patrice Lumumba in 1961 is true?

Choose one answer.

a. Foreign mining companies wanted to secure access to minerals in Katanga, the U.S. feared that Lumumba would ally with the Soviet Union, and political rivals in Congo wanted to seize control of the country.
b. Belgium wished to restore colonial rule over the Congo, the U.S. feared that Lumumba would ally with the Soviet Union, and foreign mining companies wanted to secure access to the Congo River.
c. Portugal wished to stop Lumumba’s support for other anti-colonial movements, political rivals in the Congo wanted to seize control of the country, and the USSR wanted to protect its interests in the Katanga region.
d. Belgium wanted to install a democratic government in the Congo, the United Nations wanted to prevent an anti-colonial war, and the USSR feared that Lumumba would ally with the U.S.
e. Foreign mining companies wanted to secure access to minerals in Katanga, Belgium wanted to restore colonial rule over the Congo, and the United Nations wanted to protect Belgian citizens.



Which of the following statements accurately describes how Mobutu Sese Seko came to power in the Republic of the Congo, which he renamed Zaire?


Which of the following statements does NOT accurately describe one of Idi Amin’s policies in Uganda?


Which of the following statements was NOT an aspect of “neocolonialism” in Africa?


Which of the following typically is NOT considered to be a political legacy of colonialism?


Which statement best characterizes the approach of Western governments and aid organizations operating under the idea of Modernization theory in the 1960s in Africa?


Which statement best characterizes the relationship between Jomo Kenyatta and the Mau-Mau?


Which statement best describes the goals and organization of the Mau-Mau movement in Kenya?


Which statement best describes the international strategy employed by Kwame Nkrumah following Ghana’s independence in 1957?


Which statement best characterizes the role of Sekou Toure in the 1958 constitutional referendum?


What event precipitated the 1994 genocide in Rwanda?


What function did the Truth and Reconciliation Commission serve in post-apartheid South Africa?


Which foreign power intervened on behalf of the Hutus in Rwanda during the 1994 genocide?


Which leader replaced Mobutu Sese Seko as President of Zaire and renamed the country the Democratic Republic of the Congo?


Which of the following commodities was most responsible for fueling civil war and ethnic conflict in Sierra Leone and Liberia during the late 20th and early 21st centuries?


Which of the following migration patterns was most responsible for the rapid spread of HIV/AIDS in Africa?


Which of the following statements best describes one negative effect of foreign development aid given to post-conflict countries like the Democratic Republic of the Congo?


Which of the following statements best describes the social effects of high structural debt in sub-Saharan African countries?


Which of the following statements does NOT accurately describe the effects of the end of the Cold War on Africa?


Which of the following statements does NOT describe an environmental challenge facing African states in the 21st century?


Which statement best characterizes the methods and goals of the “structural adjustment” programs enacted in African states by the International Monetary Fund (IMF)?


Which statement best characterizes the nature of ethnic conflicts in recent African history?


Which statement best describes the process that ended apartheid rule in South Africa?


Which of the following factors did NOT contribute to the debt crisis of the 1980s?


Which best summarizes Livingstone's description Africa?

Which best summarizes Livingstone's description of Africa? There are abundant natural resources in Africa. What part did Henry Stanley and David Livingstone play in the European colonization of Africa? They wrote books that interested Europeans who wanted to colonize Africa.

What were the effects of European rule in Africa?

Economic policies were adopted by Europeans who destroyed the colonies, rather than help them. Africa was damaged economically, politically, and culturally. Africa's traditional lifestyles and culture were destroyed. The Europeans had no interest in traditional African culture and had no concern for the Africans.

Which of the following describes an economic effect of European imperialism in Africa quizlet?

Which of the following describes an economic effect of European imperialism in Africa? African colonies were forced to import all their raw materials from Europe.

When did Europeans first start exploring Africa?

European exploration of Sub-Saharan Africa begins with the Age of Discovery in the 15th century, pioneered by the Kingdom of Portugal under Henry the Navigator.


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