Does vpn encrypt all traffic

Between the client and VPN server is a tunneled and encrypted connection, but is the connection from here to the internet encrypted?

Example of what I found on PIA's site:

Its has an encrypted connection to the VPN server but an 'anonymous connection from there to the internet.

Is this 'anonymous' connection encrypted and/or tunnled? If not then people on the internet can see my data?

asked Feb 25, 2016 at 9:25

No the data from the PIA-servers to the website hosters is no more secure than it would be if you were to connect to them directly.

If you connect to a website via http (unencrypted) your data would be visible. If you connect via https your data would be encrypted and not readable by other parties.

Wether your data comes from your computer, or PIA-servers does not make a difference.

The benefit of a VPN service is that your ip-address/location information is unlikely to be detected by the last member of a connection (e.g. website).

answered Feb 25, 2016 at 9:40


5893 silver badges12 bronze badges


It depends.

If you weren't using a VPN, would the traffic be encrypted?

  • If you're visiting //, then no.
  • If you're visiting // (notice the secure protocol), then yes.

In any case, the diagram notes that the remote side of the VPN gateway is anonymous, in that (encrypted or not) it is not obviously "from you" -- but mind that any data you send over that connection (even just your browser header) might still give away your identity; this is a common pitfall in thinking about VPN and TOR in a privacy perspective.

answered Feb 25, 2016 at 9:42


1,34910 silver badges15 bronze badges

Not the answer you're looking for? Browse other questions tagged vpn encryption tunnel or ask your own question.

Does VPN track all traffic?

In fact, the whole idea behind a VPN is privacy, thus the 'Private' in Virtual Private Network. VPN monitoring can, however, track activity and traffic. The VPN Activity Monitoring can see and log basic connection information, IP address, websites connected to, and amount of data transferred.

Does VPN encrypt local traffic?

The VPN software on your computer encrypts your data traffic and sends it to the VPN server through a secure connection. The data also goes through your Internet Service Provider, but they can no longer snoop because of the encryption. The encrypted data from your computer is decrypted by the VPN server.


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