Feed nourish - boysenberry

To make the pastry: In a bowl put: 75 grams of melted butter 1 egg 2 tsps of brown sugar 1 tsp vanilla essence Stir well. Add: 2/3 cup of almond flour/ground almonds 1/3 cup of ground walnuts 1/2 cup gf flour 2 tsps baking powder 1 tbsp cocoa powder Mix well. Press the dough…

I’m stuck at home looking after Miss 8 who’s sick and been sleeping all day. I got bored, so made these. One word: YUMMO!! 1/2 cup frozen berries, 1 tbsp coconut oil, 1 cup dessicated coconut, 1/3 cups coconut cream, tsp honey. Whizz all the ingredients. Mix in 1 tbsp of chia seeds. Roll in…